International Day of Human Space Flight

Today it's the International Day of Human Space Flight!
Attention: time lapse is in the caroussel!
60 years ago, on April, 12, 1961, the whole world greeted the first cosmonaut, the 27 years old Jury Gagarin from the USSR, who executed the first manned space flight and who was the firs human to see out Earth from space.
He commented everything he saw and there was "online" connection with the Earth.He spent 1hour 48 minutes in space. His spacecraft name was Vostok 1.
Can you imagine how fantastic news it was??? Now, of course we've got used to the fact that humans make trips around the Earth, there are even space tourists, but those days it was a real breakout!
And no, I did not paint my Space fluid art artwork to celebrate this day, it is just a coincidence, but… I don't really believe in coincidences!
Check the video in Instagram