Railway etude
My "railway" etude is ready! Why railway?
Because when I was a child and lived in the Soviet Union, we went everywhere by train (plane tickets were expensive and besides that time there were not too many destinations where you could go by air, at least in the USSR). In the train, you could order tea from the conductor, and she brought it to your compartment in the glass with glass-holder you can see on my etude. It was something calming in these long journeys - as you know, USSR was rather big, so you could spend days and days in the train! But normally, to go to the Black sea from Moscow you needed appr. 36 hours, and more or less the same time to get from Moscow to Budapest. Nowadays I cannot imagine spending so long hours in a train, even if it is comfortable enough. But still, in the train you feel the journey much better! You watch the changing sights, somehow relax and get ready for the destination. In the plane you just change the location - nothing more. So this etude is rather nostalgic. The cakes you see on the etude are special Russian "sushkas",that have nothing common with SUSHI. It is very dry, made from yeast dough and maybe sweet or neutral, vanilla flavoured or made with poppy seed as you can see on the artwork. Oil, 30x40.
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